The danger of coffee
Coffee depletes your body of vital energy and depresses your immune system.
Car vs Body Maintanance
Our bodies are no different than cars! We need to fill our bodies with same amazing quality foods
Eating Mindfully for better digestion
When we eat slowly and with gratitude, with more mindfulness, our health will also improve
30 Self-care tips during Juice Detox
What can you do to support yourself during a juice detox, as you begin to experience many emotions
10 reasons why Carrot Juice is so important
At the HMI Nutrition School, I learned how important organic carrot juice is! And I began adding more of it
Colonics vs Coffee Enema
Thanks to the HMI Nutrition School I learned that colonics is a practice that needs to be avoided!
Why to buy organic?
Since I switched to a holistic lifestyle I began to pay more attention to what goes into my body. I no longer
How to wash your produce properly
I learned how to wash all produce properly at HMI Nutrition School.
Which Juicer to get?
It all depends on your budget of course. But if you are serious about your health and want to make
Why do I feel worse on a Juice Cleanse? What is a Healing Crisis?
Juice detox helps to rapidly remove toxins. That’s when you might feel initial discomfort
Why do we need to Detox?
We live in a toxic world. Starting from air pollution to the number of toxic products we consume daily.
Benefits of Juicing
Since 2010 I drink fresh, homemade, organic only, juice pretty much daily. This is my health insurcance.
Why we need Coffee Enemas?
Have you heard of the Gerson Institute? In a nutshell, they treat cancer patients with coffee enemas
Foods that Support Liver
The liver is the most crucial organ in our body. Here are some of the critical functions
Vegan Sources of Protein
I was buying groceries last night and the cashier goes “Where do you get your protein as a vegan?”